Recording producer tutorials Tag

Ear Training Development Exercises for Mixing & Mastering Engineer

The most important and valuable piece of studio equipment is the ear. Any expensive or high end gears you are using in your home studio cannot guarantee to produce quality results unless you have a “trained ear”. Trained ear helps you at arriving corre …

AudioRecording Blog Complete Reader’s Guide

If you are new to this blog, probably you will be having a hard time navigating the blog to read its contents without the use of an organized reading guide. So I summarize the best posts in logical order based on topics for your reference. It is arrang …

Hire music producer: Basic Tips and Guidelines

If you’re an artist, band or songwriter; do you want to hire a record producer? It is very important that you understand what a producer can do to your projects as well as their expertise. If you know their job description very well, then it’s much eas …

Music Production Process: How does it take to produce a song?

Everyone has moments in their life listening to commercial FM radio stations. You might hear a lot of great songs and some are still memorable as of today. Then you might asked, how this song comes out to be played on the radio? Who created this one? I …